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Pool Trends For 2024 

Time : 2024-08-30


With a new year, comes the potential for new trends and style choices. Pools are not immune to this new year change up. Let’s take a look at 5 of the hottest trends we think will take off in 2024.

1.Smart technology

Today, it seems like almost any appliance — big or small — in your home can have smart functionality. From Alexa-driven lights to smart toasters, the possibilities truly seem endless. But imagine this in your pool? Timed or voice-activated lights or water heater/chiller can make for an even more convenient and luxurious experience.

2.Colored pool tiles

Who doesn’t like some individuality and creativeness? Why not apply that to your pool, too! Dynamic colors or patterns add a flare of personality to an otherwise mundane light blue design. These can look cool as well as add some individuality to your home’s permanent fixture. Create your favorite outdoor oasis with whatever color or pattern suits you.

3.Biophilic or nature-driven designs

Sometimes pools are standalone bodies of water that look rather plain. While recently homeowners seem to be opting to add some aspects of nature to the area. Ferns, palms, and mosses thrive in moist environments that pools can provide. Connecting with a greener environment could add tranquillity and a connectedness with nature. You can even consider adding in smaller bodies of water such as ponds and adding fish in. While you won’t swim in there with them, it can contribute to a more natural environment.

While you’re at it, you may want to consider stepping back from chlorine and going for a saltwater pool approach. If this sounds appealing, the professionals at Pool Works can help discuss your options.

4.Acrylic pool edge

What’s more modern than a see-through pool wall? We can’t think of too many options. Acrylic pool walls and edges offer a unique and modern approach. Pairing this with the biophilic design can offer great opportunities to see all of the natural elements in the area. Transparent walls mean no obstructed views for your surroundings.

5.Adding additional lighting

Lastly, it seems that people are leaning in to add more lighting. Lighting is powerful when creating a mood — maybe you want your environment to be bright and lively or dim and moody. Lights can help to achieve either of these, along with many other options. If you’re not looking to spend too much, but want to make some improvements, consider lighting as an attainable option.

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